Specialising in High Quality Parts for
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
10/10 Pioneer Avenue,
Thornleigh. N.S.W. 2120
Ph : (02) 9484 9900
Fax : (02) 9484 9966
Email : redgravemc@gmail.com
Please note Redgrave Motorcycles new trading hours
Tuesday - Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Redgrave Motorcycles operate a full engine building facility covering
all aspects of repair and overhaul to Harley Davidson engines.
Services offered include:
Conrod rebuilding
Crack testing
Shot peening
Assemble and true of flywheels
Boring and honing of cyclinders
Valve seat replacement
Lead free fuel conversions to early models
All valveguards honed after installation for perfect diameter and finish
Aluminium welding
Line lapping and honing
Main Bearing repairs
Thread repairs using correct threads and replacement bolts.
Bead blasting, chemical cleaning and vapour blasting for all correct finishes to various parts
Oversize breather valves installed
Over size cam followers installed
We use quality equipment and parts including
Sunnen and Mira
However it is the years of experience, doing quality rebuilds and restoration work that gives us the knowledge to help you select the right products for your bike.